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Be Bold

Pick up the phone and ask for help.

Open Culture has shared highlights of a 1994 Steve Jobs interview, here are some highlights:

He encouraged people to go for what they want by enlisting others’ assistance—there was no social media, no Kickstarter, no GoFundMe, no Patreon, email was just becoming a thing.

Back then, asking for help meant engaging in a face-to-face or voice-to-voice real time interaction, something many people find intimidating.

Not so young Jobs (age 12), an electronics nut who related more easily to the adult engineers in his Silicon Valley neighborhood than to kids his own age. His desire to build a frequency counter spurred him to cold call Bill Hewlett (of Hewlett-Packard), to see if he’d give him some of the necessary parts.

Hewlett agreed to the young go-getter’s request for parts. Jobs’ chutzpah also earned him a summer job on a Hewlett Packard assembly line, putting screws into frequency counters. (“I was in heaven,” Jobs said of this entry level position.)

Perhaps the biggest lesson for those in need of help is to ask boldly.

Steve Jobs Shares a Secret for Success: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

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